I figured I'd better start including the year in the monthly update title since I've been on here over a year now. November started out really well. I happened upon this page http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/science/rock-paper-scissors.html and it inspired me to create a Rock-Paper-Scisssors game where the results aren't random. That was easy. It took one week. Then I needed to add in characters with expressions and backstories (think street fighter depth) Took another week. I was feeling pretty good! 2 weeks left and all I have to do is add in the ending art. Usually, I would just draw pictures but this time I thought I should try animating with math... using Flixel. A week later I had over 100 lines of code, the animation was stiff and it looked very amaturish.... sigh. I lost motivation and now I have another nearly-finished game on the back-burner. This one is really too bad because it was DONE. All I needed was the ending animations. I could submit it right now as a 'E' rated game if I made 'those kind' of games. :P Oh well, I'll get back to it later, I suppose. Here's some pics:
Title Screen:
Playing a match:
So, for the rest of the month I was rather despondant and didn't do much. I worked some on BB2 and did finish 4 sex ending pictures, but obviously I won't be posting examples! Haha.
So, I basically spent the rest of the month playing this awsome AND annoying game: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/649197 My best score so far is 72.
I made a compilation of my best (worst) deaths. Notice that when it starts going bad, it just gets worse and worse until you crash. If you've played the game you know what I mean!