Year End: Xmas, New Year's Update: I'll keep adding to this post until January 1...
So, since BBD is half done already, I was looking though some of the 20 pics already finished and was rather disappointed by the inconsistent quality, since they are up to 3 years old. I made a collage so you can see below:
On top of that the programming is such a mess, I can't build BBD ontop of the BBC code. I'll have to start from the beginning again. I might get motivated to do all the art and programming over again but right now I don't even want to bother fixing/finishing the Brothel beach girls, and Sofie in BBC. Hundreds of hours of work left and it's not even good quality...
Besides, I already started another game this week which is much more fun to work on. It's an automatic map-generator. The coding was just beyond my level so it was a great challenge and satisfying to complete. I'm hoping I can code in a random NPC and quest generator as well. My final goal being to have a RPG-style game that is different each playthrough. If possible, I will even try randomizing the obligitory sex scenes, likely with variety in hair, faces, clothes, accessories, possible even breast and hip sizes. That will be the last step however so the art doesn't become out of date like BBD.
Anyways, while(BBC == depressing) makegame(autoRpg);