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Age 89

Ghost in the Machine

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SlingBang's News

Posted by SlingBang - June 30th, 2015

So, the great news is that I finally finished a game after like 6 months of not much... Wow, I am so exhausted. working all day and then up until midnight most nights programming. And, the game is not totally finished. I will still be adding in more over the next 2 months, I'm guessing. Check it out and please PM me if there's any problems! Thanks!


Well, half a month into July and 8 updates (20 uploads) already. I'm pleased with how much work I'm getting done so far and do expect to be fully completed my original game idea by the end of August. I'll also be adding in many of the suggestions I'm getting from players. 

End of August and most of game is completed. There are 3 endings to find. You can restart the game to try again and your medals and Upgrade points will remain. I will be working full-time in September so there will not be much more progress. There are also still some errors in the game that I haven't found solutions to yet. Hopefully the game is still enjoyable enough to play. I 'imagine' that I will still add in the other 3 outfits, 10 special 'Upgrade Points' items, and 4 more Misty's Clients. Imagination is imagination. We'll see what happens in reality.


Posted by SlingBang - May 31st, 2015

Fantabuloustic news! Since I didn't have much free time these last 2 months, I took a second look at some of my half-finished games and found one with promise... and have nearly finished it now. 

I was hoping to have it submitted by the end of May but I always underestimate time required. Currently, I have to finish the in-game medals, some cosmetic GUI stuff, and the story art. If all goes well the game could be released in early June.

The game focuses on Isra Somporn working as a hooker in Thailand. It's mainly a one-screen sex-game that has different unlockable sex acts and a market to buy upgrades from. You've already seen the original game art: 


Now, here's some screen shots of a BJ in the nearly finished game:


Look for it in June!



Posted by SlingBang - April 30th, 2015

Work is still crazy. I took another look at some of my half-finished games and moved them along. I also drew some new art pieces, but I'm generally too tired to think when I get home so I can't proceed to finished quality work that I can submit. I have drawn, erased, and re-drawn anatomy so many times that the once white paper turned grey.

On a side note, now that the weather is fine, I planted some Carrots, Kale, Kolrabi and Peas and it's fun watching them start to sprout. Sadly, my Fig tree that I had been growing for 4 years died over the winter and I don't think my grape vines made it either. Ah heck, half the fun is planting new stuff anyways. :D


Posted by SlingBang - March 31st, 2015

Real-life work has finally started again, and with a vengance. I'm working until 8pm each night, 6 days a week. So, not much time for programming. I will still try to get two art pieces out each month if possible. The two for March are:

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/come-shower -contains nudity and cumshot

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/she-doesn-t-approve -contains sex

That is pretty much it for the month.


Posted by SlingBang - February 28th, 2015

So, I spent some time working on BB2 sex scenes but actually spent most of my free time starting YET ANOTHER game... bringing the total to 5 partially finished games I'm working on besides BB2. This new one is a space-shooter side-scroller type where you must build your ship strategically to fight the evil bad guys- blah-blah-who cares- the point being to get to see sex scenes of course. Previously, I would draw the art, and then try to animate it, resulting in many moving parts and multiple layers. However, now I am designing the scene movements first, then drawing the art to match, achieving a much better result with less layers and moving parts. As usual, the game took me a week to design and now the bulk of the work left is the animation. Here's a sample of the gameplay:


The sex scenes are the interrogation of enemy pilots. You can choose their fate. (censored because this is on my main page) This design needs only 5 moving layers to animate the below picture:


For comparison below, another game I started with math animation. It has 12 layers of animation per figure NOT including any armor or weapons. Since I have to write the code for moving and rotating each layer (Using Flixel, not Flash) it took a week just to code her stabbing the man. You will also notice the images lose resolution as they rotate. A mix of frame animation and math animaton might resove this. We'll see if I get back to it.


The other math animation I was working on was the RPS Tour game. The male has 5 frames and the female has 10. Less movement and close-up reduced the work needed here. I will see if I can scale it down further.


Also, I have decided to try to submit 2 art pieces each month. One every 15 days. The first pic for February was a Valentine's picture featuring Droznak! Be warned that it is guro so don't click it if you don't want to see that. The second is another SI swimsuit inspired pic with just nudity.

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/valentine-s-day-droznak-style -guro, blood, rape, cum, dead, pissing, evil, mutilation... -edit: I deleted this image because it was too offensive. If you desperately want to see it, PM me and I'll send you a different link.

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/lose-something-james -nudity


Posted by SlingBang - January 30th, 2015

This was a bad-news-good-news month. Bad news for me since I had no work for 3 weeks, but good news for you since I spent 3 weeks, 8 hours a day working on Blue Bonnet 2. It is now 80% or more done. Really! This id the first time I have actually been able to see the game being released! Some pictures below: The first one is some of the new enemies I made, the second shows I added in the mission log, Reputation tracking, and weapons/armor for each teammate, the third is a tribal village, and the fourth is the final temple maze where the Boss will be.


At this point the only thing left is one more village and a few characters, the final Boss battle, the Medals and  Mission tracking, writing the SaveGame code, and the Sex scenes (which might take some time) Work has picked up again so I can't say how long before it is finished, but I am happy at how close I am!

Also, I realized that it is likely boring for you waiting for months and seeing nothing substantial, so I decided I am going to draw and upload 2 finished art pieces each month as well. Each finished piece takes me about a day, so I should be able to find the time. Here are the 2 for January:

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/forest-hike Contains: Gay, Rape, Dyads

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/hitchhiking-guide-2 Contains: Nudity




Posted by SlingBang - December 30th, 2014

I've been sick off and on the entire month. Seems like everyone I meet has another flu bug to share with me. After all 'tis the season for sharing'. I did work on most of my games but nothing really worth showing in this update. Maybe next month. Enjoy your eggnog!


Posted by SlingBang - November 30th, 2014

I figured I'd better start including the year in the monthly update title since I've been on here over a year now. November started out really well. I happened upon this page http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/science/rock-paper-scissors.html and it inspired me to create a Rock-Paper-Scisssors game where the results aren't random. That was easy. It took one week. Then I needed to add in characters with expressions and backstories (think street fighter depth) Took another week. I was feeling pretty good! 2 weeks left and all I have to do is add in the ending art. Usually, I would just draw pictures but this time I thought I should try animating with math... using Flixel. A week later I had over 100 lines of code, the animation was stiff and it looked very amaturish.... sigh. I lost motivation and now I have another nearly-finished game on the back-burner. This one is really too bad because it was DONE. All I needed was the ending animations. I could submit it right now as a 'E' rated game if I made 'those kind' of games. :P Oh well, I'll get back to it later, I suppose. Here's some pics:

Title Screen:


Playing a match:


So, for the rest of the month I was rather despondant and didn't do much. I worked some on BB2 and did finish 4 sex ending pictures, but obviously I won't be posting examples! Haha.

So, I basically spent the rest of the month playing this awsome AND annoying game: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/649197 My best score so far is 72.

I made a compilation of my best (worst) deaths. Notice that when it starts going bad, it just gets worse and worse until you crash. If you've played the game you know what I mean!



Posted by SlingBang - October 29th, 2014

So, work was crazy this month but I still managed to get a fair bit done actually. 

First I should note that I added in 4 pages to Outcast Ninja Book # 1 about halfway through the month. They are at the end of Chapter 1. 

Secondly, I spent many nights working on Blue Bonnet # 2 as well. I am too brain-dead to program at night but I did get a good amount of art done. Lots of new characters and a few new locations. Below you can see the second town: Bushton as well as a secret brothel area. Will you choose to save the helpless maidens or take advantage of them. You can actually choose in the game.


Thirdly, I wanted to try a new art style with less line art. It was surprisingly much more work that I expected. I thought I would just pencil the art, scan it and color it. No... I actually had to fully ink the art, then scan it, then trace all the lines into vector lines, Then select the individual lines and set them to a shade darker than the fill colors. Well, the final result is interesting. Not as striking as line art. Take a look:

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/at-the-beach (Note: Contains nudity)

Oh yah, I actually forgot until now. At the beginning of the month I was very annoyed about censorship and figured I would blame the feminazis so I drew some revenge art. I pencilled 4 of them but only finished 2 before I didn't care anymore. haha. Note that these contain strangulation, bondage, and disgracement motives. Don't click them if that offends you!

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/revenge-on-the-feminazis-1 (Bondage, Strangulation, Cum)

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/revenge-on-the-feminazis-2 (Strangulation, Cum)

I am surprised how much I got done this month in retrospect. Hopefully, next month will be as productive.

Posted by SlingBang - September 29th, 2014

I have been so busy working this month I literally did nothing on my games. This last weekend I spent a few hours editting some of the art from that 'quick' sex game I had mentioned before. Now it will not be so quick to be submitted. Next month may be just as busy....

So, anyways, I touched up the art and made two versions. The first is with a female. The second is with a male (gay)

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/thai-vacation-female-version (Female Version)

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/thai-vacation-male-version (Male -gay- Version)


On another note: I had intended to finish Outcast Ninja #2 in September. (30% done) and then suddenly multiple other hentai art sites deleted (or just hid...) all their 'underage' artwork. Apparently their is some brain-dead law that just passed or something and now it's ALL being blocked, everywhere on threat of 2 years in jail. So, first I got mad at their ignornance. Then I spent the next two weeks editing my comic and adding in a funny commentary to point out the errors in logic of censoring art, and then on the 5th, the ON#2 playstate file got accidently overwritten, erasing ALL the work I did coding it...

So, after stopping myself from throwing my computer out the window, and taking a long walk in the forest, I decided it is not worth all this trouble for some low-quality artwork I drew years ago. Not to worry however. I will still submit the comic. I will just not 'animate' it like last time. The good news is that it should be ready in a few days now, leaving me to get back to work on all the other games I have piling up!

Also, I added in 4 more pages to ON#1. They were in the original book but I excluded them because I deemed them to be 'boring'. In hindsight that was foolish since they actually show character development and reveal information about future events... so I added them back in. If you have already finished book # 1 you should go back and read chapter 1 again to see those extra pages.

-I am also adding in some more pages to book #2 soon as well for the same reason.

ON#2 is finished: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/646988