I do not exist. It is just your imagination playing tricks on you. Try again in the next reality.

Age 89

Ghost in the Machine

Oread Institute

Resting at Sleepy Hollow

Joined on 7/19/13

Exp Points:
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SlingBang's News

Posted by SlingBang - March 9th, 2017

Thanks to some good advice form Jaxxxs and LewdPooh, I tried RPG Maker VX. Since the program does all the game work for you I only had to draw the art, and consequently, after 1 month I have 3 functioning sex events already. The downside is the maps and sprites look the same for ever RPG Maker game (as seen below), but I will look into replacing them with my own art (months of work) in any 'serious' future release.


I'm thinking about releasing a fun 'test' project once I have enough scenes for a functioning storyline. One improvement is the ease of using multiple layers and choice-paths to create different clothing and sex activities. I will show a few screenshots here:

You can undress the actors in the scene by using your Seduction Points (MP). Energy (HP) decreases from sex.


Multiple layers (16 used so far) allow user-customizable clothing/sex options.


Body sizes are also cutomizable. Here the bum size is large and breast size is medium. 


That's it for now. Depending on work and school it'll be a few months before I release this next project.


Posted by SlingBang - December 24th, 2016

Year End: Xmas, New Year's Update: I'll keep adding to this post until January 1...

So, since BBD is half done already, I was looking though some of the 20 pics already finished and was rather disappointed by the inconsistent quality, since they are up to 3 years old. I made a collage so you can see below:


On top of that the programming is such a mess, I can't build BBD ontop of the BBC code. I'll have to start from the beginning again. I might get motivated to do all the art and programming over again but right now I don't even want to bother fixing/finishing the Brothel beach girls, and Sofie in BBC. Hundreds of hours of work left and it's not even good quality...

Besides, I already started another game this week which is much more fun to work on. It's an automatic map-generator. The coding was just beyond my level so it was a great challenge and satisfying to complete. I'm hoping I can code in a random NPC and quest generator as well. My final goal being to have a RPG-style game that is different each playthrough. If possible, I will even try randomizing the obligitory sex scenes, likely with variety in hair, faces, clothes, accessories, possible even breast and hip sizes. That will be the last step however so the art doesn't become out of date like BBD.

Anyways, while(BBC == depressing) makegame(autoRpg);




Posted by SlingBang - December 4th, 2016

So, School is nearly over. 2 more weeks of exams and final assignments but then I'll have 2 weeks to draw more art for BBC. I am hoping to get the 2 beach girls finished as well as some preview girls from the next chapter. The 2 update times will be Xmas and New Years. 

I also 'should' finish the Sofie sex animation and then include the sausage to unlock it... but the time required to create animations is easily 5 times more than drawing sequential story illustrations (SSI) like used for Heidi or the Mayor's wife, so... we'll see if I get to it. I also 'should' find the bugs in the brothel animations an add them back in as well... At this point I am pretty sick of the ridiculous amount of work put into the animations and the poor quality I got back from them. I am very likely NOT going to have any sex scene animations in the next chapter, BBD. SSI can be separated into layers so still provide multiple choices and paths. They do increase the file size quickly so I'll have to see what I can do about that...

On a side note: I was wondering why BBC wasn't reporting any statistics since I released the game. After 2 weeks, I finally figured it out. I was using the api key from BBB by accident. I must have copied it down incorrectly since they have similar names. I figured it out when I noticed that BBB was getting 2500 more plays each day than usual... Sigh... I've fixed the problem now but it only works if people reload their game file. So, any website that transferred the game over already won't ever update the file and will continue showing plays on BBB instead of BBC. Anyways, at least I can still figure out the totals from both data streams...

Note: I will add in some bonus art here around Dec 25th.


Posted by SlingBang - October 31st, 2016

BBC is finished but sadly I have to delay its release for 2 weeks for final testing and bug squashing.

I contemplated releasing it now and just disabling the buggy parts until they're fixed but decided to wait until the game is working properly. The main reason being few will care if the game is delayed but many will care if sections are broken or disabled. 

Sorry for the delay...

I uploaded some art that didn't make it into the game as a consolation. These still images below were cut when I upgraded the sex scene to an animated version.




Posted by SlingBang - September 28th, 2016

Welp, Im back in school, this time taking programming, so have even less free time but I am still hopeful I can finish BB2 by November 1. The game itself should be finished in time, with one fully finished animated sex scene, and a bunch of other ones with sequential drawings. I will add more to the game over the next 6+ months, similar to Sukhon Somporn.

One difference will be due to my extremely limited time, I will be setting donation goals on Patreon to decide which sex scenes I animate. There are 15+ sex events in the game and it would take me years to animate them all at my current time availability, so Patrons can post which sex event they want animated and once I reach the donation amount, I will choose the most popular one. The goals will be set by TOTAL donations over all time, not monthly or otherwise. This means when the total donations I recieve, over ALL time, passes $400 I will take time off from my day-job to finish and upload another animation (or whatever is requested) and again once total donations surpass $800, continuning in this fashion... Pricing is loosely based on a minimum of 25~40hrs work to draw and code the animated sex scenes. (The exact pricing will be finalized and posted on Patreon when the game is released) If no one donates, don't worry. I will just take that to mean it's not important to gamers to have animated sex scenes and will work more shifts at my day-job instead. I will still fix bugs and update the game as I always have in the past, as well as complete the subsequent chapters, albeit more slowly. I will be releasing hopefully 3 more chapters in the Blue Bonnet series, maybe yearly, before this storyline is completed.

Here is a finished battle scene from the Final Boss battle:


Posted by SlingBang - August 7th, 2016

November 1, 2016 is the release date for Blue Bonnet Continues, the sequel to Blue Bonnet Begins. This game was originally 400% larger than BBB so I broke it down into 4 chapters to be able to finish it in a reasonable time. BBC is the next chapter and the game coding is 95% finished. I am spending my free time in July and August creating the Adult artwork. I have 5 women sex scenes drawn, and one fully animated. I might not have time to animate all 5 scenes and will have static images in that case. September will be spent finishing the game code and misc art. October will be reserved for testing the game and it will be released on Nov. 1 no matter what. 

I will keep updating the game after November, likely for 6 months, full time. This will include finishing any animations,  player suggestions, and game bugs. Starting in May 2017 I will switch to full-time work on Blue Bonnet Develops, the next chapter (Which is already about 25% finished). 

So, here is a quick few screenshots from the sex scene. Explicit content is censored since this is on my main page. You can see the uncensored image on my Patreon site as it is NSFW hidden (apparently? idk)




Posted by SlingBang - June 1st, 2016

Working on Blue Bonnet RPG is tiring and mostly readjusting storylines, programming, and character art, so nothing much to show. I will include a screen shot just to give an idea... This is an animated scene with Heidi, the town greeter. It is half-finished. You can see her pigtails and front hair bobs are not done yet. You can't see the mouth and eyelids are animated as well as the head moves and she breathes. So much work but hopefully it will be worth it. In general Blue Bonnet Chapter 2 is ready to play. The next few months is all animations and finishing artwork. It's kind of funny how 99% of the work on this game is not even Adult Content. Maybe I should just release it under 'M' rating so I can put advertising on it... Ah, I'm not doing it for the money, I'm doing it for the... the... Hmmm.... Why am I doing all this work? Best not to think about it too much!



So anyways, I was playing a tabletop RPG game called Mice and Mystics recently and drew some fan art. I have not drawn 'furry' art or really any animals at all before so the anatomy is likely wrong, and the setting is a cave so the shading was a nightmare. Seriously, I drew all 4 pics in one afternoon and have spent 2 weeks trying to get them colored -and they don't look good... I'll still put them up but I'm not too impressed with the first one. The second and third turned out much better...

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/lily-caught -contains Nudity, Pissing, Violence

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/lily-caught-part-2 -contains Sex, Violence

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/lily-caught-part-3 -contains Sex, Violence

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/lily-caught-part-4 -contains Sex, Violence

Posted by SlingBang - April 2nd, 2016

Well, I spent the entire month drawing 4 new sex scenes for BB2 of 3 pages each, so 12 total. Basically, every hour of free time I had after work was used to Pencil, Ink, Scan and Color the art. On average it took me an hour to draw the art, another hour to ink and scan it... and 6 MORE to color it and get it to a completed online form... Rather crazy. I did learn that my maximum artistic output in a month (while working full-time) is 12 completed art pieces. I was feeling sad that I couldn't show yous any of them so I drew a few non-BB2 related ones! I found what I think was a humorous idea and have 5 ideas in this series, 4 pencilled, 2 scanned, and one completed as of April 1. I will spend the next 2 weeks completing them, and hopefully release a new one every half-week or so. Also, I included the non-text versions as well in case you just want the art... or hate the stories. :P

So here they are:

1. Poolside: Contains Nudity: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/nhnd-poolside

2. Office: Contains Nudity, Sex: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/nhnd-office

3. Couch: Contains Nudity, Sex: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/nhnd-couch

4. Disco: Contains Nudity: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/nhnd-party

5. Fundraiser: Contains Sex: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slingbang/nhnd-fundraiser


Some other important news is that I am setting up a Patreon account for voluntary donations. I put much work into the games and art I create here and feel I have improved significantly since I started 3 years ago. Don't worry, I won't be making my games paid-access-only. I am just providing the option for people who want to support me and can afford to. I'll hopefully be done the Patreon page by the end of this month.

There will be some additional effects as well. (Hopefully...)

Firstly, I will be releasing more short games, my goal being to release a new game every 2~3 months, rather that one large game each year. I actually have 5 half-finished games that will likely be what I start with. Secondly, I will be producing illustrations on a more regular basis again. Perhaps one or 2 a month again. Thirdly, and tentatively, I will be breaking the Blue Bonnet RPG down into 'chapters' so I can release a new chapter every 6~9 months rather than every 3 years... This is hypothetical right now, depending on how easily it breaks down of course but if successful, it will mean BB chapters should arrieve once a year. It also means that many of my planned features will NOT be ready for the next chapter, but there will be sex scenes obviously. Fourthly, if patrons indicate they want me to, I will begin updating Sukhon Somporn on a monthly basis again.

Mostly, these changes are to channel my creative output into directions people are interested in, so feel free to send me emails or post comments here on what you'd like to see or possible 'reward tiers' you'd be interested in.

Here's the work-in-progress link: https://www.patreon.com/SlingBang



Posted by SlingBang - March 6th, 2016

Firstly, I get alot of emails regarding 'How to ----" in Sukhon Somporn, so am writing the answers here.

How to get all the outfits, all the endings, almost all the points, and finish the game in ONE play-through:

Start a new game. Do the Oral-Sex path first, buying only coffee, crickets, and spicy soup every day. Pay off your debt every day if possible. Increase your 'Pussy-Club-Rep' to 5~14 so the Pimp offers you a 3000 Baht loan. Borrow 3000 from the pimp ONCE to buy the blanket. Also buy God-of-Sex and God-of-Wealth upgrades giving +1Hr and +10% money.

***IMPORTANT**** Do NOT move the Pussy club reputation forward past 14. Keep the pimp at the 3000 baht offer. Also, buy NOTHING (no items or temple upgrades) except cosmetics and food! Also, only buy what you can afford. You must not go over 5000 Baht into debt *****

Each day you must ONLY accept oral-sex offers and each night pay your debt and buy nothing but food and cosmetics. This is the most difficult part of the game. You will need to carefully budget your money for 30 days! During this time the Bridal Outfit guy will randomly show up and sell you more Bridal Wear. You should have them all before day 30. Note that if you have any sex other than Oral, the bridal guy will not show up anymore AND you will forfeit this ending. When you reach day 30 ending #1 will play and return you to the menu screen.

Continue playing without buying ANY items other than food or cosmetics and save up 20,000 Baht to buy the Ticket home. This plays Ending #2.

Next, move your 'Pussy-Club-Rep' to 15~24. ***DO NOT GO PAST 24 REP!*** The pimp will offer you a 5000 baht loan. Borrow it and spent it on all on the rest of the Items and Temple upgrades. Every day say NO to ALL sex and buy every consumable item, every day to increase your debt. Once you reach 5000 Baht in debt, you will be forced into Bondage Sex AND have a chance to buy Bondage Wear. Every 5 days borrow another 5000 baht from the pimp and spend it all, never paying any debt off, obviously. Repeat this pattern for around 12 days to reach 25,000 Baht in debt and get Ending #3. Returns you to the main menu. Continue playing. I actually kept myself in debt for ANOTHER 18 days (60 days into the game now) just to get all the Bondage clothing pieces as well. You seriously could stay in debt forever by repeating this cycle: borrow 5000 baht every 5 days and buy all the food every day and do NO sex at all. (and DON'T move the pimp forward or you lose the 5000 baht option)

Now, you can move your  'Pussy-Club-Rep' past 25 which unlocks Misty who introduces you to her valued clients. The clients will only show up at 5pm and use the game's beauty calculation so be sure to buy cosmetics each day. After servicing a client 5 times, Misty will introduce you to the next client. I had planned on having 7 clients in total but only finished 3 : Bruno, Ancient, and Leviathan.

At this point, you should have found all 3 endings, all the Bridal and Bondage wear, own everything, and all the clients and Sex acts unlocked. The only thing left is the Priestess wear and the Pussy-Club Shares. Priestess wear is easy to get. Just keep donating to the temple each day. Pussy Club shares are similarily easy. Just keep buying them. Currently, there is no ending for the Priestess, or the Pussy-Club shares but if you want to finish them anyways I think it took me until day 180 and took me 6 hours total to play the game from start to finish.

I made 8 Million total baht, had 2.3 million baht in cash, bought all 660 Shares worth 2.8 Million baht, was making 500,000 baht dividends each year, and reached Priestess level 25, donating the full 2.5 Million baht to the temple.

I got all 9/9 Bridal, 9/9 Bondage wear and 9/9 Priestess wear in one game.

The only Points I didn't get were from purchasing the 3 Rare Items (which I didn't find yet), and the Total cum Volume. Max Volume is 3787ml and I only reached 2227ml. +45 points. I will change the cum amounts in the next update so that you should reach 3787ml after finishing all the rest of the challenges.

Good Luck!


So, in other news,  I've been working on BB#2 for the last 2 months again and have realised it is never going to be what I originally wanted.

I started BB#2 in November of 2013. After 14 months I said I was 80% complete. Now, after 27 months, I am 90% complete. Sure, I released Sukhon Somporn and started 3 other games in that time period, but when will BB#2 actually be released?

Over the last 2 years I've had to make sacrifices and cut down alot of my ambitions with BB#2. Like cutting the size in half, resarting the entire project from scratch, giving up on all sex scenes being animated, cancelling sex with every enemy, eliminating multiple adventure paths... and so on. But, I was 90% finished... Until, I started looking over the artwork from 2 years ago and felt it's so bad I can't even use it anymore. So, I need another 3 months to redraw all the artwork now? This has got to stop. I can't keep revising and improving this game ad infinitum. No game should take over 2 years to complete. A game should be a static point in time, you can look back to, a benchmark in your life, not your life's work. To resolve this I have set a temination point of 3 years, maximum: meaning if the game is not released by Nov 1, 2016, I will delete the entire thing and never mention it again. So, to avoid that catastrophic failure I will not be changing anything else in the game. No more messing around, just finishing it and submitting it. Any 'improvements' I want to make will have to wait until BB#3.

So, what did I do in the last 2 months? I did redraw 8 of the sex encounters. There are 20 in total and each has 3 base images with clothing and cumshot layers. I still must finish the other 12 (or cut some of them entirely) then scan, ink, color and code the sex encounters into the game. I also redid the entire Tileset... AGAIN.... (This is what I'm talking about when I say time wasting.) The new tiles DO look good as you can see below but no more drastic changes from now on.

There is still alot of bug-fixing and miscellaneous art and story to add in, as well as the front-page, medals, and quest tracking to complete, so I will be working late nights finishing this game by November. Let's hope I can make it!




Posted by SlingBang - November 12th, 2015

Well, I just finished moving to a new apt. Took nearly 2 weeks to get everything hooked up and working properly but I should have more free time now for working on my games. I am living in the city now so hopefully I won't be too distracted having a life to get any programming done! :)

WIth Sukhon Somporn, I have many things to finish: Temple upgrades, Misty's clients, More Outfits, New Sex positions, and likely some memory leaks as well...

I am tenatively hoping to 'finish' the game by the end of 2015, so basically this month. I will add in new content once in awhile after that point of course but in 2016 my plan is to get BB2 back on stream.

I also have to get back to work on BB2 before I lose interest in it entirely. The game is 'mostly finished', just mainly the sex scenes/art/ending are left to do. That always 'sounds' easy to me until I start working on it and realize I have 1/3 drawings, 1/3 animations, and 1/3 interactive sex scenes, so how is that going to work together? ...Then I notice the storyline is rather weak and try patching that up, then I notice most of the action takes place in one area and the rest of the map is unused...wtf was I thinking when I made this mess? So, it will need all of my focus to salvage a cohesive game from the wreckage. BB3 will have a plan on paper BEFORE I start working on it.

Finally, I have many other partially completed games I can work on as well and the ON comic books #3 and 4 to upload and color...but I'm not sure about those comic books anymore. They were drawn when I was a mentally-unstable teenager so are ummm, yah, go read 1+2 to get an idea. 3+4 are even worse... I could just call it 'artistic integrity' and post them anyways with warning labels...