Please move the achievements notification out of the playing view, or have them disappear on their own. I woke up this morning and had to click through 20 of them to continue playing!
Also, please allow purchase of people/buildings by Clicking on them, instead of having to move the mouse over to a 'Buy" button.
It's an interesting concept to have assets produce gold once every set time, but waiting as much as 12 hours to get money from the games corp seems a bit crazy! It might be nice to use 'points' to reduce the wait.
On that point, I started the game last night, played for 10 minutes to get to the giraffe, went to bed, woke up and 5 minutes later, I have purchased all 4 animals, and 10 of each of their people/buildings. Great! Now what... It now seem the only option is to 'reset/ascend'. Once I do that I can use 5 points to increase my overall revenue by a small percentage, but that's it. There are no NEW events that happen. No more animals, or buildings to unlock. Only trophies to win. So, unless I just want to make more money, there is no actual point to play longer.
This is unfortunate. I actually liked the game and it actually has a real-world connection (unlike clicker heroes) but if there is nothing new to see, I and perhaps many others, will just stop playing.
I don't know how you could fix this and keep the realism. AAA game company is pretty much the top. Maybe, buy a advertising company or TV station...ending in a moon base! haha. Anyways, good luck. The design and art is excellent.